At Passion Marine, we believe in a holistic approach to corporate responsibility. Our CSR charter guides each of our actions, from the design of our products to our relationships with our employees and partners.

Bain de mer au sel de guérande aux algues marines - 200g

Economic Responsibility

We are committed to maximizing customer satisfaction by listening to their needs and continually improving our products. Our pricing policy is transparent, and we strive to maintain fair relationships with our suppliers. Sustainable development is at the heart of our strategy, serving as a lever for innovation and value creation.


Social and Corporate Responsibility

Diversity, inclusion and respect for the rights of all are fundamental values ​​for us. We are committed to promoting the employment of young graduates, maintaining the activity of local businesses and promoting gender parity. The well-being of our employees is essential, and we encourage continuing training and social dialogue within the company.

BegMeilPlage-Passion Marine

Environmental Responsibility

We are deeply aware of the impact of our activities on the environment. This is why we favor local sourcing and select our suppliers based on their commitment to sustainable development. We limit our consumption of water, energy and raw materials, and we work to reduce our waste production by promoting recovery, reuse and recycling.

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