Legal Notice

Company Identification :

Marine Passion
Head office: 35 CHEMIN DU CHAPTRE, 31100 TOULOUSE
RCS: 485 352 843 RCS Toulouse
SIRET: 48535284300018
Intracommunity VAT: FR77485352843

Intellectual property :

The content of this website (texts, images, videos, etc.) is the exclusive property of Passion Marine, unless otherwise indicated. Any reproduction, even partial, is strictly prohibited without the prior authorization of Passion Marine.

Personal data :

In accordance with European data protection regulations (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you.

Cookies :

This site uses cookies to improve user experience. By browsing this site, you accept the use of these cookies.

Responsibility :

Passion Marine SARL strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this site, but cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or relevance of this information. Consequently, the use of the information provided on this site is under your sole responsibility.


In the event of a dispute relating to the use of this site, French law applies and the competent courts are those of the location of Passion Marine's head office.


Design and creation of the site: Gonnected
Photos and videos: ©️ Studio Moga